Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Eat My Cupcakes!! #nomnomnom

So...I don't really consider myself a baker.

Yes, I love to cook. But that's more experimentation of flavors that, if disastrous, can usually be fixed mid-recipe.

Baking, on the other hand, is like a chemistry experiment.

Use softened butter for your pie crust and say "Goodbye" to flakes.

Use hardened butter for your cookies and say "Hello" to a crumbled, unmixed mess.

Why you gotta be so tempermental, butter?

But it's not really butter's fault.

No, that's just baking...an incredibly detailed orchestration of tempurature, measurement, and time.

And I don't do it all that often.

But I am this weekend. To the tune of approximately 750 cupcakes.

Part launch of my future food business, part Duff Goldman allure, the Iron Cupcake: Milwaukee Pro/Am Cupcake Clash seemed like a good idea at the time.

Like that sophomore prom we tried carpooling to Green Bay for dinner and ended up stranded on the highway for 2 hours with a broken-down car. Hindsight.

Now I'm staring down the face of hundreds of cupcakes, 10 pounds of powdered sugar, and 750 of the most damnable little toothpick flags you will ever see.

I do this for you.

So you can taste my delightful cupcakes.

Hope to see you there on Sunday, February 13th (10:00 AM - 2:00 PM, MSOE Kern Center). Tickets are selling out fast and today's the last day to buy 'em online.

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