Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Love Letter to Crab Fishing

Every year I write a love letter to the makers of Deadliest Catch, the addictive documentary television show on Alaskan crab fishing. You can view past issues here: 2008, 2009.

Season 6 begins with the usual captain's meeting and blessing of the fleet that ends with the crews heading to the crab grounds. This season, however, packs a punch, so to speak, as the captain's meeting ends with Jonathan throwing down on Keith.


Throwing him down to the ground.

And then Captain Phil of the Cornelia Marie and Captain Sig of the Northwestern trade Jakes for the season.

This is gonna get interesting.

I used to apologize for my love of this show. I'm an educated, middle class gal who sits behind a desk all day. Surely it's odd that I'm so entranced by this blue collar reality TV.

Not so anymore.

Considering it shows in over 150 countries and is one of cable's most top-rated shows, then I am through with apologies.

I love this show.

You can view Discovery Channel's promo video here. I guarantee you'll love it too.

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